Rethinking Marketing Strategies: A Call to Shift from Self-Praise to Effective Communication


  • Sunil Kumar M.A., Sangai International University, Churachandpur, Manipur


Marketing, Advertising, Publicity, Green Economy, SDG, Sustainable Development


This article advocates a fundamental reassessment of marketing strategies, urging a departure from self-praise to more effective communication. Focusing on the adverse effects of excessive self-praise, the author contends that it not only burdens companies financially but also lead to consumer disengagement. In the era of heightened consumer awareness and social media influence, the traditional self-praising approach is deemed obsolete. The article emphasizes the need for a customer-centric paradigm shift, encouraging marketing executives to adopt alternative tools such as endorsement marketing, referral marketing, and piggyback marketing. Illustrating the diminishing impact of celebrity endorsements, the article underscores the importance of authentic communication and the power of social media in amplifying genuine narratives. Overall, the call to review and embrace new marketing tools seeks to mitigate unnecessary costs and burdens on both companies and society, fostering a more sustainable and effective marketing landscape.


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How to Cite

Kumar, S. . (2023). Rethinking Marketing Strategies: A Call to Shift from Self-Praise to Effective Communication. Journal of Advanced Research in Operational and Marketing Management, 6(2), 40-45. Retrieved from