An Assessment model for Benchmarking techniques in Manufacturing Sector


  • Bhupender Singh Department of Mechanical Engineering, YMCA University of Science & Technology, Faridabad
  • Dr.Sandeep Grover Department of Mechanical Engineering, YMCA University of Science & Technology, Faridabad
  • Dr.Vikram Singh Department of Mechanical Engineering, YMCA University of Science & Technology, Faridabad


Benchmarking, Critical success factors (CSFs), Analytical network process (ANP), Manufacturing industries.


Benchmarking is the primary tool for improvement which accomplished over comparison with other organizations recognized as the best within precise extent. Benchmarking gives the firm an external focus and forces the organization to look at what its competitors are adopting. This study forces on the manufacturing industries to focus its competitive edge such as customer service, function ability, policy, adequacy and many more while bringing other processes up to mark with competition, and highlights different types of Benchmarking processes used in industries, that give effective use of factors for their implementation. Thus, an endeavor has been made by the authors to give a model for the evaluation of Benchmarking by using MADM approach. Here, ANP approach is used on the basis of software where, group of experts were consulted to establish interrelations and to provide weightage for pair wise comparison. Mutually spirit of experts will furnish identical results for the study and moderately accommodating for managers to give confidence in globally manufacturing market.


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How to Cite

Singh, B., Grover, D., & Singh, D. (2019). An Assessment model for Benchmarking techniques in Manufacturing Sector. Journal of Advanced Research in Operational and Marketing Management, 2(2), 3-11. Retrieved from