Knowledge Exchange and Organizational Ambidexterity in Insurance Companies in Nigeria
Knowledge Exchange, Organisational Ambidexterity, Exploration, ExploitationAbstract
This study examined the relationship between knowledge exchange and organisational ambidexterity in insurance companies in Nigeria. A cross-sectional survey research method and a quantitative methodology were adopted in its analysis of the distribution and relationship between the variables within the specified context of the study. The study engaged data generated from 88 workers at the managerial and supervisory level of the insurance and both descriptive and inferential statistical methods were adopted in the assessment of the manifestations and relationship between the variables. Organisational ambidexterity was measured using two measures, exploration and exploitation. A total of 2 null hypotheses were postulated in this study. The null hypotheses were tested using Spearman's rank order correlation coefficient at a 95% confidence interval. Based on the evidence presented by the analysis, both null hypotheses of the study were rejected as the statistical evidence suggests that knowledge exchange significantly impacts organisational ambidexterity measures: exploration and exploitation. Based on the findings it was recommended that Knowledge exchange processes should be consistent, and transparent, and offer support for cohesiveness and the integration of all units and levels within the organisation.
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