Impact of Thermal Retrofits for Roofs on Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings in India


  • Rakesh P Research scholar, UG student, Department of Civil Engineering National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, Mangalore, India.
  • Y Prathap Prathap Research scholar, UG student, Department of Civil Engineering National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, Mangalore, India.
  • B B Das Professor, Department of Civil Engineering National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, Mangalore, India.


Cool Roofs, Energy Efficiency, Energy Use Intensity (EUI), Energy Plus


This study focuses on energy analysis of a residential building in India with several retrofits for roofs that have been implemented with the goal of reducing cooling demands and so aiding in energy conservation. Because the roof absorbs a large portion of the energy absorbed into a building, the use of cool roofing and insulating materials reduces the amount of heat energy absorbed significantly. Cool roofing and insulating materials are specifically designed with thermal parameters in mind. The aim of this study is to analyse the reduction in Energy use of residential buildings by using cool roofs and insulating materials in four different climate zones across India. Energy Plus, a well-known energy analysis software, was used to calculate the Energy Use Intensity (EUI) value in a building with cool roofs and insulating materials installed. EUI is an indicator used to measure the energy efficiency of a building. Input to the energy model consisted of a detailed description of the floor plan of the building being analysed including hourly scheduling of occupants, lighting, equipment, and thermostat settings. In addition, this study discusses the comparative analysis of EUI value for the residential building with different retrofits for roofs in four different climate zones across India.


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