Common Causes of Construction Claims in Hydropower Projects: Case Studies of Selected Medium Scale Hydropower Projects in Nepal


  • Suraj Tamang Research Scholar, Construction Management, Nepal Engineering College, Nepal, Senior Engineer, Sanjen Jalavidhyut Company Limited.
  • Gyanendra Pd. Kayastha Research Supervisor, Construction Management, Nepal Engineering College, Nepal.
  • Prabesh Adhikari Deputy Manager, Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal, Nepal.


Causes, Disputes, Hydropower, Ranking, Documents.


Claims in construction projects are inevitable, particularly in hydropower construction works, mainly due to uncertainties entailed. The study identifies various types of claims, causes of claims, and effects of claims in hydropower projects in Nepal. The methodologies applied to achieve the objective of the research are literature survey, problem identification, case study, and experts’ opinion. Both quantitative and qualitative methods of research were applied. The causes of claims include contract provisions being vague and inadequate, various delay events, incorrect and insufficient drawings issued in the agreed documents, inadequate and insufficient preliminary studies, delay in land acquisition and delay in handing over of site to the Contractor, differing site conditions as compared to the tender documents, frequent strikes by locals and political parties, landslide and other geological disturbances in the project periphery, unforeseen geological disturbances at project site, and various force majeure events. The study highlights the importance of preparing proper bid documents free from ambiguity and inconsistency to minimize claims.


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