Questioning the Neo-Classical Residential Buildings of Kano Metropolitan City Within the Context of Hausa Traditional Architecture
Neo-Classical Residential Buildings, Hausa Traditional Architecture, Kano Metropolitan City, Built EnvironmentAbstract
Kano metropolitan city in Nigeria is growing rapidly, due to increase in population and constructions of public and residential buildings. Though, Kano is a place where Hausa cultural expressions and identity were displayed in most traditional dwellings. It is also a city where basic traditional values of Hausa traditional architecture were kept for decades. Consequently, the designs of the neo-classical residential buildings of Kano metropolitan are no-longer in relation with the characters of Hausa traditional buildings. The residential designs succeeded in expressing new cultural features regardless of the Hausa traditional built elements and features. Meanwhile, the principles of sustainable built environment include not only technological considerations, but also involved social, economic and cultural aspects of designs. This paper aimed to seek the evolution of, to question why and to analyze the physical environmental impacts of the neo-classical residential buildings of Kano metropolitan city. In conscientious with the aims of the study, critical observations, physical and monographic survey are the methods employed to create a base for theoretical analysis and evaluations. The research revealed neo-classical residential buildings of Kano metropolitan city create constraints in the continual organization of the built elements and disorganized the cultural identity of the city positively.
How to cite this article: Aliyu M, Ahmad AJ. Questioning the Neo-Classical Residential Buildings of Kano Metropolitan City Within the Context of Hausa Traditional Architecture. J Adv Res Const Urban Arch 2019; 4(3&4): 36-45.
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