Employee objectivity and Commitment in the oil companies in Nigeria


  • Ugwonyike Obiageri Celine


Objectivity, Employee Commitment, value commitment, Allienative Commitment


The study seeks to establish the relationship between employee objectivity and commitment in the oil companies in Nigeria. The study adopted a cross sectional survey design to solicit responses from employees. 112 respondents participated in the study. Descriptive statistics, spearman’s rank and multiple regression analysis were used for data analysis and test for hypotheses. Findings revealed that there is a positive significant relationship between employee objectivity and commitment and the dimensions and measures also correlate this relationship. We concluded that objectivity though a style that allows an organic approach to managing, the employee has concern for the cost associated with remaining organization on a long- term basis especially when viewed with other available alternatives. And recommended, that employees should be giving responsibility that allow them grow. Therefore management should create a platform that enables them invest in the company’s financial sense of belongingness that will in turn attract commitment.



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How to Cite

Celine, U. O. . (2020). Employee objectivity and Commitment in the oil companies in Nigeria . Journal of Advanced Research in HR and Organizational Management, 7(1&2), 9-14. Retrieved from https://adrjournalshouse.com/index.php/Journal-HumanResourcesOrg/article/view/869