Directions in Production Engineering Research - Part IV
Make in India, Joiner’s triangulation, Innovation, Zero-defect zero-effect, Industry 4.0, Eco-sustainability, Cloud manufacturing.Abstract
The concluding Part IV of this series attempts to connect capability and ambitions of next-gen manufacturing to next high of interconnected processes and enterprises engulfed through a systems approach, where connectivity of resources will be provided industry wide through internet. Call this as Industrial Internet of Things, which will be governed over the cloud using secure and public or private domains allowing control over distances for effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability. This part attempts to model the paradigm of manufacturing in internet 4.0 era for which the essence is in system thinking, and the end objective a competitive strength at sustainability, quality and cost. The cloud manufacturing provides a complete transparency, maneuverability and control at high speeds and over long distances, and needs to manage advanced processes, materials and technologies. The essence is in managing zero-defect zero-effect as a Make in India paradigm.
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