Chasing Competence – A Journey through Metamorphosis Using Six Sigma


  • Prof Priyavrat Thareja Director Principal, Rayat Institute of Engineering & Info Technology, Railmajra, SBS Nagar.


Joiner triangle, compettitude (competence attitude), TQM model AUM, Change, Organizational success


Six Sigma has claimed to have organized the methodology for an improved organizational success, although with mixed history. The manufacturer’s reaction to such claims go for a six, when they are unable to achieve promised successes for the fix(es).Amidst such a dichotomy, the present work attempts to seek the scheme of any discrepancy, which limits the Six Sigma to realize the promised gains. One shortfall in a thorough understanding of six sigma is due to an incompetently allowed formulation of its frameworks, which do calls for a need to look beyond the conventional implementation, though it is claimed to the contrary. The new need is through a metamorphosis of the people implementing quality initiative. The meta prefix, as applied to competence will also facilitate looking at increasing competence of competence itself. The objective of this article is thus targeted at increasing organizational learning and capability by learning. It is argued that the LEARNing for Change must be processed for a holistic behavior change. The present work considers the deployment of such a quality initiative titled Six Sigma within the TQM (total quality management) paradigm, needing the same treatment of the TQM model AUM (Alignment, Utilization and Metamorphosis).


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