Directions in Production Engineering Research Part I


  • Prof Priyavrat Thareja Ph.D. CSSBB, LA: QMS, EMS, Director Principal, Rayat Institute of Engineering & Info Technology Railmajra, SBS Nagar


input- process- output process model for research, Innovation, Manufacturing Competence, Joiner triad


Research is an essential operator of all creative technological developments, yet the production engineering research directions have not been well understood or aligned with the objectives of technology development. The published literature is also scanty regarding the prevalent framework of manufacturing or production research direction. At times it remained under supported because its central role in the development of productive goods and services remained demeaned and unrecognized. This present work attempts to consolidate the factors leading towards manufacturing competence, and by building up the elemental essentialities of any input- process-output scheme. The production process is complex in Mode 2, because of integration and purpose. It is constrained by sustainability issues both ecological and financial. In the present work this input- process-output scheme is attempted to be adapt for the favour of better understanding of global requirements of manufacturing sustenance. By assimilating those sub elements generically, and then applied as per designated situation, we build up a model for charting, implementing and controlling research direction, which must allow flexibility, feedback, predictability, and control. Finally this work discusses how will this scheme work up to meet desired objectives. The leftover tasks of explaining sub elements of the model shall be attempted in subsequent parts of the paper issues of this journal.


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7. Thareja P. A Total Quality Organization Thru’ People, (Part 32), Common Sense Alignment to Culture. FOUNDRY, A Journal of Progressive Metal Casters Mar/Apr 2011; 23(134).
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11. Thareja P. A Total Quality Organization Thru’ People, Synchronisation of Enterprising Teams (Part 27) FOUNDRY An Indian Journal For Progressive Metal Casters May/June 2010; 22(129).
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