Productivity of Thought


  • Prof Priyavrat Thareja Ph.D, CSSBB, LA: QMS ,EMS Director Principal, Rayat Institute of Engineering & Info Technology Railmajra, SBS Nagar.


positive thinking to power thought, koan, cause and effect, mind, stress on heart, culture, IQBAL.


Productivity is a metric defining efficiency, and sought to be monitored and enhanced, in spite of its dichotomous character. Various lateral forms of productivity have evolved over the years, beyond cutting costs of production; to measure more performance indicators, the credit for which goes to an exploratory thought process. It was always vital to have channelized the thought process to achieve unprecedented performance heights. Productivity of Thought has in literature been associated with creativity, and latter’s enhancement. An attempt is made to seek its independent perspective. Thus, this work explores the soft aspect of productive thinking in terms of its relevance, measurement, and control of the thought process vis- a- vis the role of mind and heart. The dichotomous role of thinking w.r.t. the health of heart is used to support the vitality of thought productivity. Further what measures may be taken to underline its operational efficiency in object oriented thinking forms the line of action.


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